WSU / DMC Comprehensive Epilepsy Program Gains Highest NAEC Designation

The Comprehensive Epilepsy Program at Wayne State Unviersity and the Detroit Medical Center has recently been recognized by theNational Association of Epilepsy Centers as a Level 4 Center, which is the highest distinction available from the association. The NAEC describes this distinction as such:

Wayne State University / Detroit Medical Center Comprehensive Epilepsy Program is recognized by the NAEC as a Level 4 epilepsy center. Level 4 epilepsy centers have the professional expertise and facilities to provide the highest level medical and surgical evaluation and treatment for patients with complex epilepsy.


Sandeep Mittal, one our neurosurgeons, has an integral role with this program as the adult epilepsy surgery program director. The program has a comprehensive mission, and is only one of six programs in the state with this designation.


Congratulations to the Comprehensive Epilpesy Program on this recogniton. For more information on the program, please visit here.