Neurosurgery Grand Rounds 07.06.11: Aneurysm Discussion
Below are the articles associated with the presenation on aneurysm for the Neurosurgery Grand Rounds presentation of 07.06.2011:
Kendir S, 2009; Window anatomy for neurosurgical approaches
Raslan A 2011; Neuroform stent-assisted embolization
Rhoton, 2002; Aneurysms
Riina H 2002; Anterior communicating artery aneurysms
Sekhar L 2007; Microsurgical management of anterior communicating artery aneurysms
Solomon R 2001; Anterior communicating artery aneurysms
Zada G 2009; Fenestrated aneurysm clips in surgical management of anterior communicating artery aneurysms
Fujita S 1986; Fenestrated clips for internal carotid artery aneurysms
Kakizawa Y, 2010; Cerebral Aneurysm clips in 3-tesla magnetic field
Krammer M, 2010; New Aneurysm clip systemfor particularly complex aneurysm surgery
Louw D, 2001; Brief History of Aneurysm Clips
Louw D, 2003; Aneurysm clips
McFadden J, 1989; Evolution of crossed-action intracranial aneurysm clip
Perneczky A, 1995; Use of new aneurysm clip